One Solution for Complete Strategic Mine Planning
The value maximiser for strategic mine planning : First software to consider mining, dumping including in-pit dumping and haulage simultaneously for optimisation
MineOpt includes the following modules which creates a workflow for strategic mine planning.
PitOpt : Determining nested pit shells based on value
AutoDesign : Designing pits from pit shells
SchedOpt : Schedule Optimiser including dumping and hauling
Stochastic Optimisation : Stochastic analysis of strategic mine plans to determine ‘Hill of Value’
Data can flow seamlessly from one stage to next or any of the stages : PitOpt, AutoDesign or SchedOpt, can be run independently using data from external sources.
Maintaining an intuitive workflow has been of prime importance throughout the package. Based on years of experience of using multiple software, the user experience has been kep in mind at all stages.
Get in touch with NuevoTech Mining for the following:
MineOpt : a value maximiser for strategic mine plans
Mining Consulting Services : We provide mine planning & Feasibility study consulting services
Mine Project Management : We are looking for investors for mining projects in Australia to be managed by NuevoTech Mining
MineOpt : a value maximiser for strategic mine plans
Mining Consulting Services : We provide mine planning & Feasibility study consulting services
Mine Project Management : We are looking for investors for mining projects in Australia to be managed by NuevoTech Mining
Strategic Mine Planning Software
A tool for Optimising Mining Projects to maximise value from operations.
Once a geological model has been finalised whether for metalliferous deposits, hard rock or for stratified seam deposits the first step is to find the best strategic phasing of the pit using PitOpt, thereafter AutoDesign makes designing easy and quick. Once designing and reserving completed a strategic and optimal schedule is prepared using SchedOpt.
The PitOpt module uses Pseudoflow algorithm to develop optimised pit shells. Nested pit shells can be generated for pit phasing and analysis. Pit by Pit Graphs and 3D visualiser enhances the user experience. Pit Shells can be exported to the next module AutoDesign or as dxf. PitOpt works seamlessley for block models or grid models.
The SchedOpt module of MineOpt is the first software that can optimize an open pit mining schedule including optimizing mining, dumping both in-pit and external and haulage road selection while maximizing the Net Present Value(NPV) of the project. This is a strategic mine planning solution which runs on Mixed Integer Linear Program (MILP).
The software uses design outputs from its module AutoDesign or from any software like Minex, Deswik, Vulcan etc. in csv format. The input consists of pit and dump block centroid coordinates along with volume and tonnage details and main haul road center line. Other inputs consist of mining and processing capacity, costs and sale price. The software calculates the possible ‘shortest path’ haulage roads for connecting all pit blocks to destination dump blocks, plants and stockpiles and also traverses along existing haul roads provided, making estimates close to reality. Optimum paths are selected for each period by source blocks and destination dump, stockpile or plant.
The output from the software is in the form of tables, graphs,3D display and period animation. The output end of period surfaces and csv data can also be imported back into any software like Minex for display in 3D.
The software tries to expedite backfilling so as to be able to rehabilitate to a better tomorrow -giving back the mined-out land to nature in a better state. For further details please contact: MineOpt@NuevoTechMining.com.au and follow us on facebook : facebook.com/MineOpt
The software uses design outputs from its module AutoDesign or from any software like Minex, Deswik, Vulcan etc. in csv format. The input consists of pit and dump block centroid coordinates along with volume and tonnage details and main haul road center line. Other inputs consist of mining and processing capacity, costs and sale price. The software calculates the possible ‘shortest path’ haulage roads for connecting all pit blocks to destination dump blocks, plants and stockpiles and also traverses along existing haul roads provided, making estimates close to reality. Optimum paths are selected for each period by source blocks and destination dump, stockpile or plant.
The output from the software is in the form of tables, graphs,3D display and period animation. The output end of period surfaces and csv data can also be imported back into any software like Minex for display in 3D.
The software tries to expedite backfilling so as to be able to rehabilitate to a better tomorrow -giving back the mined-out land to nature in a better state. For further details please contact: MineOpt@NuevoTechMining.com.au and follow us on facebook : facebook.com/MineOpt